Last week
Availability: Tuesday-Friday (from Denmark).
- Finalize Ambassador induction process while inducting (w/ Zara)
- Create Prospects Community scheme and process (w/ Zara)
- Go through email backlog
LTP-work: Draft LOD2-community plan, update, draft guidelines for stewarding the portal.
This week
Availability: Monday (from Denmark), partially available pending connectivity Tuesday-Friday (Mombasa/Kenya).
- Welcome Party call w/ Round 2+3 Ambassador inductees (w/ Zara)
- Create Prospects Community scheme and process (w/ Zara)
- Blog post on Round 2+3 Ambassador inductees (w/ Zara)
- Build a short document + slidedeck to support open data advocacy in interactions with members of local government (w/ Ewan/Scotland)
LTP-work: Attend OGP conference in Mombasa, finalize LOD2-community plan, plan and execute Open Data Census campaign