Availability: Monday to Friday in London.
AFK for a short period on Thursday afternoon 13:00 to 16:00
This Week
- Publicising the excellent new Science Europe policy paper on the Transition to Open Access
- Tuesday Network call and follow-up actions
- Further Metametrik planning & prep with Guo & Velichka – PDF textmining tools, tips & knowledge sharing
- Manning the @OKFN twitter account on Friday. Plan to do one or two #FF Follow Friday tweets to link-up & advertise other official OKF twitter accounts
- Finding suitable potential sources of funding for future Science coordinators
- Potentially helping launch the new round of Panton Fellowships very soon
- Compiling the monthly reports on the Science WG & Panton Fellowships
Last Week
- Interview with Benedikt Fecher on Open Science & Data Sharing
- “Strictly Open” pub talk (outreach) with London Information professionals
- Open Data, Better Society in Edinburgh, speaking about Open Science
- Finding suitable potential sources of funding for future Science coordinators
- Contacting the US Environmental Protection Agency, re: Crowdcrafting opportunities
- Citizen Cyberscience Google+ Hangouts on Thursday