This week
Availability: Monday-Tuesday (from Denmark), Wednesday-Friday @ OuiShare, Paris (partially online and available).
- Induct new ICM, Zara Rahman
- Host International Council call re. restructuring
- Make documentation for Ambassador application selection process w/ Int Council
- Give feedback to LG applicants (Round 2) based on Council feedback
- Speak/panel at OuiShare Con in Paris
- Discuss Public Speaking Materials repository (w/ Ross)
LTP-work: Setup/populate Apps4EU wiki, draft LOD2-plan, update, draft guidelines for stewarding the portal.
Last week
- Finalize and distribute new structure for LG Council and new sub-groups
- Make documentation for Ambassador application selection process w/ LG council
- Give feedback to LG applicants (Round 2) based on council feedback
- Finish and publicize blogpost for OKF main blog, Greece as new Chapter
- Plan LG France/Belgium/Germany visit (OuiShare a.m.)
- Discuss Public Speaking Materials repository (w/ Ross)
LTP-work: Drafting Apps4EU-plan, drafting LOD2-plan, updating, draft guidelines for stewarding the portal.